Thursday, December 27, 2012

Album/Track Review

For my track review, I decided to use a song my mom recommended to me. It's by George Michael and it's called "Praying for Time".

The song is from 1990, but the lyrics could easily be applied to 2012 and all the issues we're dealing with now. The fiscal cliff, recent shootings, the general unrest among society in America, etc. all relate to this song.

It would take forever to show all the comparisons so I'll just highlight a few that stood out to me:

The rich declare themselves poor
And most of us are not sure
If we have too much
But we'll take our chances
Because God's stopped keeping score

The first line says it all. The rich keep saying that they don't have enough money and want to get more by taking from those that really are poor. And with all the commercials saying that people need to give more and more, those that are just getting by (aka middle class citizens) start to feel like maybe they have too much compared to others around them. But most of society won't give anything because who's going to make society give anything?

And it's hard to love, there's so much to hate
Hanging on to hope
When there is no hope to speak of

These lyrics relate not just to America, but to the entire world. What's usually the first story on the news: a murder? Another terrible tragedy? Or someone doing something good for someone else? There's so many things wrong with the world that it's hard to find something that's right. It's become almost impossible to think that anything could get better when almost everything we see is just another issue that may never be solved.

I'll just leave a link here so you can listen to it yourself.

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